Saturday, July 2, 2016

Mars turns Direct in Scorpio June 29th

Mars has been retrograde in Scorpio from April 18 until June 29 2016. The red planet turns retrograde about every 2 years. I tend to view retrogrades as working in a right brained/cyclical/intuitive way rather than the direct linear mode we tend to operate in just to get through our daily lives. The planets energy is turning itself upside down in a sense, so we get the opportunity to view things from another angle. Mars is traditionally a malefic, but it does not follow that in retrograde it becomes even more malefic. Nor does Mars become it’s opposite, a benefic! It just becomes well… weird. With Mars retrograde, instead of the usual flame-grilled Mars direct affair, it becomes more of a slow, rich bake. Much depends on in which sign Mars finds itself during the retrograde period. Generally the Martian impulse will be slowed down, deepened and feel more Plutonic. Mars retrograde could also be similar in effect to the energy of Pallas Athena, where every move is planned carefully and strategically. I have read that Mars retrograde is akin to it travelling in the 12th house, which would make it more of a spiritual-warrior. So if one is going to wage war at all, it will probably be a psychic one. There's an interesting surge towards the end of this Mars retrograde, and then when it does go direct it kind of goes with a bit of a zoom. Be careful of others who are, shall we say, more invested or somewhat stuck in the masculine aspect because I see them heating up or getting more angry. So do be cautious around others and I’d say also careful about what you post on social media because backlashes and that sort of thing. Since Mars (and Scorpio) is about sex as well as war, Mars retrograde prompts us to re-evaluate our sexual relationships. A new sexual attraction may burn out quickly, while a fling with an old flame could turn into something unexpectedly long term. Our ambitions and goals are bound to come under scrutiny also. It is said that those who start a war during Mars retrograde are likely to loose. In personal terms, “starting a war” could mean summoning someone to court or initiating a new business campaign against a rival. In competitive cases like those, it is usually advised to wait till Mars is direct again. However if someone should wage war on you, then it would be foolish not to defend yourself. When in Scorpio, Mars is actually quite at home. Before the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Mars was considered the astrological ruling planet of Scorpio (it also ruled Aries, and still does today). The high octane energy of Mars finds natural expression in typical Scorpio themes, which are the energetic connections and bonds underpinning our exchanges: sex, power, joint finances, psychology and pathology. Mars can be a wild, all-over-the-place energy if left unchecked but its impulses are well contained in Scorpio, where it finds focus. Nothing sloppy with this placement; it is nothing if not discliplined. Excellent strategist. Scorpio has a compulsive need to suck the poison and cut the rot out of life; Mars here is not easily deterred from acting on its need to simultaneously explore and free itself from seediness. in Sagittarius is a much more externally high spirited placement. Sagittarius is a fire sign and so Mars is at home here, too. After leaving Scorpio, Mars in Sagittarius turns its sights on battles of a higher nature: culture and religion, ideas about God, belief systems in general. Mars in Sagittarius is a strong defender of people’s beliefs, and will defend other’s ideas even as they are vehemently arguing their own. It is quick to spot hypocrisy and quicker to shut it down. Sagittarius is a sporty, athletic sign and Mars here likes to work up a sweat, preferably while outdoors. The environment and the outdoors are also favorite Sadge themes and Mars in Sagittarius can be a champion for nature and animals. All that is well and good on its own. However, the very long retrograde shadow in general, and more specifically the retrograde period, will not necessarily represent Mars at its best in either sign. A retrograde is the illusion of a planet slowing down and turning backwards in the sky, retracing its steps. Things represented by the retrograde planet tend to follow suit; slowing down, looking back instead of forward, having internal dialogue rather than external exchanges. The very nature of Mars means it isn’t very comfortable retrograde; Mars likes to move ahead as swiftly and forcefully as possible in straight lines. Mars does not like to slow down, review, wait. Mars loses its momentum when retrograde, becomes frustrated, takes one step forward and two steps back. Its frustrations can turn to angers that are either repressed through lack of appropriate channels or blow up in quite harmful ways. The Mars retrograde period in 2016 isn’t one to ignore. Initially, once Mars enters its retrograde shadow in Scorpio on February 17th it may seem as if energy is everywhere, but we’ll soon notice that the tempo has a lot of variables, like a record skipping. Mars enters Sagittarius on March 5th, bringing excitement, enthusiasm and optimism. Things begin to change in April, though, as Mars in Sagittarius will be conjunct the fixed star Antares (located at 9 degrees Sagittarius) the entire month. Antares, or Anti-Ares, has a strange reputation in astrology. It is said to be a mixture of Mars and Jupiter energy; Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so the retrograde stationing of Mars in Sagittarius conjunct Antares will exacerbate the fixed stars reckless and even dangerous qualities. Antares was traditionally something of a malefic; associated with daredevils, rash leaders, battle, and even fatalities. It does also lend a disctinct mental and philosophical toughness and bluntness.

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