Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mars in Libra in your Solar Chart

Red-hot firepower - that’s Mars. Mars gives you the courage, will and drive to achieve your goals. Like a planetary engine, Mars generates a lot of physical energy. He’s a ‘work horse’ - put him to work, and he’s your ace in the hole. Try to keep him in a box, and he’s not so friendly! So knowledge of where Mars is transiting through your chart helps you make the most of that power and use it constructively. Mars spends an unusually long time in the sign of Libra this coming year, starting December 7, 2013 and lasting through most of July 2014. Matters connected with the house Libra occupies in your chart will be highly energized - an area of major focus in your life for the next eight months. Libra is a Venus-ruled sign, so you’ll need to use grace and diplomacy to get your needs met. Keep this in mind as we take a look at what this transit can mean in your solar chart. ARIES: Dealings with others, and especially partnerships of all kinds are highly energized now with Mars in your seventh solar House. Because Mars is by nature assertive and ‘self-oriented’ you may find your personal needs conflict with those you’re in relationship with, whether personally or professionally. To make positive use of this transit, get pro-active to bring grievances out in the open in ways that evolve the relationship to a higher level. You can also get a lot of work done together, as on a project of some kind. For you especially, Aries, to remember that diplomacy is necessary to attain your personal aims will serve you well. Taurus: With Mars in your sixth solar House, you’re fired up about work related projects, with a strong personal stake involved. If conflicts in the workplace arise, tread carefully to keep the workflow moving smoothly. A proactive approach to personal wellness is necessary now; a great time to implement fitness or diet programs. With Mars urging you to do more than you can probably handle, it is important not to let your wellbeing fall to the bottom of the list. It’s wise to use this transit to work hard in ways that help you get ahead, so you feel you are making progress. Gemini: Over this period with Mars in your fifth solar House, you’re inspired to assert your identity with expressive abandon! Follow through on artistic impulses. Creative expression of all kinds gets a real boost during this transit. You’re definitely ready to socialize and may be more than a little focused on romance. If you have children, they can reflect Mars’ energy by being a little rowdier than usual; ‘no running with scissors,’ is a wise reminder now. In general, this is an up-beat, pleasurable transit. The only conflicts may be the difference between your urge for self-gratification and any obligations that require discipline. Cancer: Mars in your fourth solar House can stir up issues related to your childhood. You can find yourself irritable or emotionally triggered without apparent cause. Try to be as conscious as you can, nurture yourself and process what comes up in a healthy way. Your home environment is highly energized this year! You can be fired up to improve your living space in ways that serve your personal desires and needs. Conflicts among family members call for diplomacy. With Mars opposite your 10th solar House of professional matters, you will want to replace any frustrations at work with solid planning for the future. Leo: The powerful Leo ego strongly identifies with ideas and opinions with Mars in your third solar House. Defend what’s truly important to you, but watch for unnecessary conflicts, especially with family members or those in your local network. Communications of all kinds are fired up; this transit helps if you need to promote an idea at this time. You’re a good salesman and negotiator, but over this period clinching the deal calls for diplomacy and grace – remember that communication is a fine art! Studies and writing projects get an extra boost during this transit. Virgo: You identify more strongly then usual with your drive to manifest and protect financial assets and possessions during this time. This obviously can be a good thing, as long as you’re mindful of the potential for unnecessary conflicts around anything related to material security. With Mars in your second solar House, money, or values, in general are in the spotlight. Your sense of self-worth is interwoven with all issues involved here. Use this transit to strengthen your base of security and focus on healthy self-esteem in a fundamental way. You need to feel good about your work to feel good about you, Virgo. This year can help you make necessary changes in this part of your life. Libra: There is a tremendous drive to assert yourself and really show the world what you’re capable of with Mars in your sign, your first solar House. This transit brings a lot of physical energy. Channel it wisely in ways that further your interests; sensible exercise will be especially helpful now. Libra is by nature considerate of others and dislikes conflicts, yet you may feel the urge to fight for your rights and defend what is yours in a more aggressive way than usual. This is a major, up-beat, active period where you can achieve a lot and work independently to better your place in the world. Scorpio: Mars in your 12th solar House can stir up unconscious or repressed energies and you may find yourself acting out patterns from your past. If you feel uneasy or angry, focus that intense insight of yours into deeper understanding of your own psyche, to receive the gift of this transit. Be kind to yourself and mindful to direct the energy into greater self- knowledge, to avoid self-defeating behavior. If you’re frustrated playing a background role, think strategically and use this period to plan ahead. This is a good time to work independently. You can also offer compassionate service of some kind, which can have a profound effect on both you and those on the receiving end. Sagittarius: Teamwork is a key to achieving your personal needs with Mars in your 11th solar House. The energy fires up your approach to personal goals, your future and those who can help you achieve your dreams! When you work with the right people to get a job done it can be a win-win for everyone. Sports or other physical activity with friends serves you well now. You can use this period to make giant strides in creating the future you want; just take care to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings that can result in conflicts with others. Capricorn: Your professional profile is even more highly energized than usual with Mars in your 10th solar house. Capricorn ambition is at an all-time high and you can really accomplish a lot at this time. Capricorn understands patience and strategy so keep your eye on the prize and channel your energy into effective plans that also take others into account. Those in your professional sphere may feel threatened by your actions and conflicts can arise. Defend your needs by all means, and don’t hesitate to promote yourself. Let inner wisdom and a cool head guide all dealings with co-workers and everyone related to your professional goals. Aquarius: Personal belief systems are strongly identified with through intellectual pursuits and possibly long distance travel with Mars in your ninth solar House. With your drive to achieve so tied in with your personal views, remember to give others room to have their own opinions - in any and all forms of relationships. If you have any involvement with legal affairs at this time, you may feel the warrior side of Mars itching for a fight; keep a level head and use your keen mind to work through clashes if they do arise. Pisces: Eighth solar house signals a period of intense transformation with Mars in this position of your chart. Your ego can interact with others or with circumstances in ways that trigger significant changes in your life. Issues related to jointly held resources, such as in a marriage, or in terms of legacies or business partnerships, will require diplomacy to avoid disagreements and ensure a positive outcome. Your sexuality as it relates to personal identity is also activated by this transit. If you feel overwhelmed by the demands and changes you encounter, Pisces, tap into the deep well of faith and cosmic connection you have access to; it will help steer your way this year. Whether changes are more subtle or profound, this is a period where an old way of life gives birth to a new you. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/horoscopes/mars-libra-drive-diplomacy-article-1.1542017#ixzz2no4KLENn

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Tuesday December 10

Tuesday December 10 Marsday of Waterweek and your muscles need attention, don’t they? Stretch ‘em, massage ‘em, work ‘em baby! One’s Will has lot in common with muscle tissue. Like a muscle, The Will becomes stronger the more one work’s it. As an exercise today, find something that you regularly do, yet automatically, and don’t do it with the intent of giving one’s Will a workout. Sun quincunxes Jupiter (waxing/gibbous), juxtaposing Sagittarian truth with Cancerian nurturance, made harmonious by Jupiter’s reception of the Sun in its Jupiter-ruled sign. More ways in which women’s rights are being eroded may surface, and we may find that we need to balance caring with honesty, so that our potential is freed to its full expression. However, the outcomes are good, and already in motion as, for instance, in initiatives to raise money to defend and enhance women’s rights, as well as to support the candidacies of women in upcoming elections. Mercury trines the near-stationary Uranus, empowering us to communicate our individuality in a better way than earlier this year and fulfill a promise made in July. It simultaneous squares Chiron to show us where healing energy must still be focused. The Moon enters Aries at 5:06 am (8:06 am ET), touching off the Cardinal Grand Cross for the first time since Mars entered Libra. We can apply optimism to the mix all the same, thanks to Mercury’s contacts. The Mayan End Times, the Hopi Fifth World, the Turning of the Ages, Timewave Zero, the Ascension, and the Great Awakening. These prophecies signal that humanity is in the process of making a dimensional shift, from the limited perception of duality to a collective awareness of our inherent divinity and interconnectedness. Lightcraft seems paradoxical in that the main body of its information was given to our present selves by our future Self in order to load the dice in favor of its own manifestation. One of the reasons this happened is that we are on our own for the present. The benign influences of the older races have been suspended for this coming-of-age Initiation ordeal that we are experiencing. We are allowed to talk to ourself, however. Time’s arrow only applies to the physical Metaverse. Once an event has happened in this sphere, it’s frozen into the Order of Mainstream Reality and cannot “unhappen”. Information can be exchanged on levels other than the physical, and isn’t limited by Time’s arrow. Our future conscious Self is aware of its tentative nature from our present. By giving its ancestors certain ideas and techniques, the Metaverse insures its own manifestation(s). This is possible only because the Metaversal mutation can be activated in any individual by that individual. The hardware and the program are in place for Metaversal consciousness

Mars in Libra

Mars' stay in Libra is prolonged due to its retrograde period in this sign from March 1 until May 19, 2014. When the warrior Mars enters peaceful Libra he puts away his arms of aggression and puts on his diplomat's coat. This is a time when strategy counts more than brute force. Initiative involves negotiation and partnership, rather than Mars' usually independent ways. Reaching out with an open hand is more effective than threatening with a fist. Mars isn't comfortable in Libra, according to astrological tradition. Libra is the sign of Mars' detriment, opposite its natural home in Aries. This means that Mars is considered weak in Libra, because it can not operate in its most natural way. However, modern astrologers recognize that a planet in unfamiliar territory presents unique opportunities, not just challenges. When disparate elements such as spontaneity and strategy, individuality and co-operation or action and reflection meet, the mix is combustible, but very powerful. Those able to harness these seeming contradictions can gain the strengths of both sides, rather than being confused or torn between them. We all have a greater possibility to build bridges now as martian initiative meets Libran conciliation. It takes courage to make peace, and this combination favors those who move in that direction. The shadow side of Mars in Libra, however, is the smile-wearing (Libra) attacker (Mars) who masks his aggression with a pretense of kindness. We are likely to find ourselves carefully measuring others to balance the seemingly opposite forces of self-interest and co-operation during this period.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19th

Tuesday November 19 The Day of Mars in the week of active Air, and the Mighty Red planet is now traversing Virgo. On the surface Mars and Virgo seem very different. Mars is direct , impulsive, fiery and impatient, while Virgo is careful, practical and detail-oriented. However, these two share a certain sharpness that can be combined to enhance productivity and higher levels of efficiency. Neither Mars nor Virgo wants to waste time. Both understand the value of getting a job done with dispatch. This period, then, can help us find out where to cut the fat in our work habits, so that tasks are handled quickly, making time for the development of new skills. Taken to its extreme, however, this focus on results can manifest as ruthless detachment and a lack of concern for the human side of the equation. The critical (Virgo) attack (Mars) is a negative potential for this period. It's easy to find fault and express oneself aggressively. If a situation is getting too tense, it may be that someone is frustrated by a lack of efficiency or are feeling a loss of power. Patiently attacking problems in a systematic way can help restore harmony. Chiron makes its direct station at 9°07' Pisces, taking up forward motion again for the first time since June 16. Venus enters its retrograde shadow at 13°33' Capricorn, and it’s time to start tracking your story of (self-)love, relationship, and finance if we haven’t already. The potential to develop our new foundation has never been greater, and we will see ourselves in a radically new situation by next June. As Mars sextiles Jupiter, we see the opportunity for a stepping-stone enterprise. Mercury’s third pass at Uranus brings out an awkwardness that must be dealt with, with a great freedom the result. The Moon in Gemini completes its active period when it goes void of course at 7:59 am for the remainder of the day. Delaying new enterprises until tomorrow may prove beneficial, but actions based enterprises already in motion will not be thwarted by the Moon’s void condition.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Masters of War by Jessica Murray

Things are about to get complicated with new energies entering the transit picture. So far, this Spring has been all about Mars, throwing its weight around like a bully on the school bus. As we have seen Mars set the tone for the whole season when it set off the Uranus-Pluto square at the Equinox. that astrologers are chalking up the hue and cry over weaponry in the USA. Martial in both form and content, the culture war between gun lovers and gun-control advocates has stimulated a much-needed national discussion. So far, the chief revelation is about the nature of the NRA, which is being exposed as a group of bullies. The opponents in this battle: the US citizenry on one side and the gun lobby on the other. Despite the legislative defeat in mid-April, it is clear that popular opinion is on the side of restrictions. Polls show that the majority of the populace favors closing the gun show loophole, and reinstating the ban on assault weapons and on high-capacity magazines.So how is it that the gun lobby triumphed? Where did they get the money to prevail over the lion’s share of the American population? Granted, a highly spirited defense has been mounted lately from backwoods survivalists, hunters and would-be home-defenders. But these consumers are not the source of the gun lobby’s power. Although we often hear NRA members rhapsodizing about their bloody rites in forest and duck pond, the use of guns for hunting is statistically negligible, and getting more so. The hunter demographic — overwhelmingly white, male, Southern and elderly — is dying off; a fact of which the gun makers are painfully aware.  Which is why they’re targeting Women now as well as children (Big Tobacco used this same advertising strategy in the 1950s and early ’60s, which earned them a black mark of infamy in popular opinion). So though the yahoos have big guns, they’re not the Big Guns in this fight. That role is played by the global arms traders: the shadow reality looming behind the gun debate, to which remarkably scant attention has been paid. Certainly the US media won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. As gun narratives go, this one’s not as sexy as the culture-war angle. It’s just the familiar old corporate-overlords-undermining-the-democratic-process angle. Weapons makers are the subject of Bob Dylan’s scathing masterpiece from 1963, “Masters of War”. But the public conversation seems to have gone mum about them ever since, despite the fact that their profits dwarf those of industries that attract far more attention (these profits will exceed $100 billion in the next four years, according to Amnesty International estimates.) Even from those social critics who excoriate every other source of ill-gotten gains, we don’t hear Big Armaments mentioned very often. Though it’s hard to imagine gains more ill-gotten than this. That’s why what happened in early April was so significant. As the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus were ramming their way through Aries (Mars’s ruling sign), the United Nations overwhelmingly approved the first international treaty regulating the worldwide trafficking in armaments. As the final vote was taken, the chamber erupted in cheers. Only three countries voted against it: Iran, North Korea and Syria. Uncle Sam, the world’s biggest arms manufacturer and exporter by such a wide margin that no other country even comes close, voted yes. But whether or not the treaty gets ratified depends on what transpires with the domestic gun debate. In a sense it is not surprising that the NRA has come out against the UN vote. Disagreeing with the treaty’s prohibition against exporting weapons used for genocide, the gun club finds that it cannot, in good conscience, say no to the right of war criminals to arm themselves. In another sense, the NRA’s position is more than surprising: it is downright bizarre. In voting against the treaty, they have thrown their hats in with a handful of countries that, in any other context, would elicit from them a double-barreled fusillade of jingoistic condemnation. North Korea and Iran are, after all, at the very top of Uncle Sam’s Bad Guys List. Mars seems to be saying: Behold the brothers-under-the-skin.