Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7

The Day of Mars in the first week (Fire) of the Gemini Lunar cycle. The person in charge of dispelling notions will be off duty today, during the hours of greatest morphic resonance, in order to provoke the gods. If you’ve ever pondered the planet Mars’ rulership of the sign Scorpio, consider this quote from Scorpio president Theodore Roosevelt: “Get action. Do things. Be sane. Don’t fritter away your time. Create. Act. Take a place wherever you are and be somebody. Get action.” When Ted was a kid the doctors warned him that because of his questionable health any sort of heightened activity would kill him. And that warning was disregarded to the fullest extent of his body’s wild, unfettered spirit. The Scorpio spirit personified. Provoke a pause and listen to intuition this morning, when an opposition from sensitive Cancer Moon to dredger Pluto favors emotional perspective, and meditating, creating, or working alone. Afternoon harmonies from Moon to Uranus in Aries and dynamic Mars in Scorpio combine instinct with impulse, great for acting boldly on the wisdom gleaned this morning. Tactically, we are the proverbial dodo feather stuck between the crocodile’s teeth.