Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19th

Tuesday November 19 The Day of Mars in the week of active Air, and the Mighty Red planet is now traversing Virgo. On the surface Mars and Virgo seem very different. Mars is direct , impulsive, fiery and impatient, while Virgo is careful, practical and detail-oriented. However, these two share a certain sharpness that can be combined to enhance productivity and higher levels of efficiency. Neither Mars nor Virgo wants to waste time. Both understand the value of getting a job done with dispatch. This period, then, can help us find out where to cut the fat in our work habits, so that tasks are handled quickly, making time for the development of new skills. Taken to its extreme, however, this focus on results can manifest as ruthless detachment and a lack of concern for the human side of the equation. The critical (Virgo) attack (Mars) is a negative potential for this period. It's easy to find fault and express oneself aggressively. If a situation is getting too tense, it may be that someone is frustrated by a lack of efficiency or are feeling a loss of power. Patiently attacking problems in a systematic way can help restore harmony. Chiron makes its direct station at 9°07' Pisces, taking up forward motion again for the first time since June 16. Venus enters its retrograde shadow at 13°33' Capricorn, and it’s time to start tracking your story of (self-)love, relationship, and finance if we haven’t already. The potential to develop our new foundation has never been greater, and we will see ourselves in a radically new situation by next June. As Mars sextiles Jupiter, we see the opportunity for a stepping-stone enterprise. Mercury’s third pass at Uranus brings out an awkwardness that must be dealt with, with a great freedom the result. The Moon in Gemini completes its active period when it goes void of course at 7:59 am for the remainder of the day. Delaying new enterprises until tomorrow may prove beneficial, but actions based enterprises already in motion will not be thwarted by the Moon’s void condition.